Christopher Powers, Instagram, @fullofeyes


“But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!” Revelation 3:16

Why does Jesus call the carnal people lukewarm?

Why is it that so many Christians are lacking an experience with the Holy Ghost?

In order to answer this question, we will first have to take a look at the Laodicea phenomenon. Why did Jesus call the believers in the Laodicea church lukewarm? He gave us a clear indicator,

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” Revelation 3:20

Jesus wasn’t the center of the lives of the believers, but rather outside. He was standing outside in front of the door. Why didn’t He go in? Because He hadn’t been invited. He doesn’t force His way in, because He respects our free will decision.

Why do believers leave Jesus outside in front of the door?

There are different causes and reasons for this. Some only move on a purely intellectual and cognitive plane in their spiritual lives, like the scribe Nicodemus, and don’t understand what the Christian life is all about. (Compare with John 3:1-10). For others the “price” of discipleship is too high, they have to give up too much, like the “rich young ruler”. (Compare with Matt. 19:16-24). To follow Jesus it requires [1] self-denial and [2] the willingness to change life (compare with Matthew 16:24-25) and [3] completely surrender to God (Romans 12:1). Leaving Jesus outside can be caused by pure negligence – insufficient time in personal fellowship with Jesus.

Repeating, the reason for the lukewarmness in Revelation 3:20 is, “Behold, I stand at the door.” Sadly, Jesus is not in the center of their lives, but rather outside or on the sidelines.

The lukewarmness relates to the personal relationship with Christ.

An example, A man can invest a lot in his vocation and at the same time neglect his wife. He is committed to his job, but lukewarm in his marriage relationship. A person can even be a committed church member, a diligent church leader or pastor or president and still be lukewarm in his relationship with Christ. The person is so dedicated to accomplishing a lot of tasks, that he neglects his personal relationship with Christ. This is the lukewarmness that Jesus wants removed.

It is tragic that a person can be so busy with God’s work (in the church and mission work) that He neglects the Lord of the work.


The reality is that most of the times we are so busy with important things. But even being important, they should never occupy the place of the essencial. Unless we come to the conclusion that Jesus is truly and really essencial, not just one more item in our to-do lists, we would never give Him the importance He deserves, and receive His presence imprinted in our souls by the Holy Spirit.

Hebrews 3:7-8 says,

“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…”

Jesus is outside of the door but He is there! Calling you by name. The invitation should’ve come from the inside, but it is still coming – as Revelation 3:20 says,

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

What are you waiting to open the door of your life for Him?


  1. Is Jesus at the central or at the fringes of your life? (think about how you use your time, how many times you consider Jesus in your daily life, take a look into your budget, etc – is Jesus represented there?)

  2. We read that following Jesus requires, “…[1] self-denial and [2] the willingness to change his life (compare with Matthew 16:24-25) and [3] completely surrender himself to God (Romans 12:1).” Which of the three is the hardest for you?

  3. How do you feel knowing that Jesus didn’t give up on you, that He is at the door calling your name? (Close your eyes and imagine yourself behind your front door, and Jesus on the outside calling you by name.)

  4. How can you open the door of your life to Jesus?