Christopher Powers, Instagram, @fullofeyes


Do I lose my own will? Or will I become stronger?

What can prevent me from surrendering myself to Jesus?

Does surrender to God mean that we have to give up our own will?

What does the Bible say about surrender?

Romans 6:13 says,

“Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness” (NIV).

According to this text, surrender means to yield yourself to God and to place yourself at His disposal.

Hanna W. Smith, a Christian author, comments on this text as follows,

“To surrender something means as much as to hand over something, to give something into the possession and administration of someone else. To surrender ourselves to the Lord means the same thing. Subsequently, the Lord has the power of control and ownership of us. This means renunciation of ourselves and surrender of our self.” Hanna W. Smith, Christsein täglich (To Be a Christian Daily) (Asslar, 1994), p.38

Another important verse in Romans says,

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship” Romans 12:1 (NIV)

What reason does this text give for surrendering our lives to God? “The mercies of God.”

Surrender is our answer to a God of mercy, a God of love.


Surrender means completely placing ourselves in God’s hands, being at His disposal, giving our lives to Him as a sacrifice, not as an Old Testament sacrifice that was burnt, but as a living sacrifice that lives for Him from the moment of surrender.

When we look back at our life, we can say that before our surrender it seemed to that surrendering was a sacrifice. Later, we realize that it wasn’t a sacrifice, but rather it was an infinite blessing.

Johannes Mager comments,

“Surrender, abandonment, commitment, being entirely at God’s disposal — these are serious, but uplifting terms. Surrender has nothing to do with emotions or moods. It means to give ourselves to the One we love.” Johannes Mager, Unser größtes Bedürfnis (Our Greatest Need) (Lüneburg, 2011), S. 47, 48.


2 Corinthians 5:15 says what is the result of surrendering to God,

“Christ died for everyone. He died so that those who live should not live for themselves anymore. They should live for Christ. He died for them and was raised again.” (NIRV)

Surrender means living for Jesus – to live for Jesus does not merely mean serving Him full time, but rather,

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” Colossians 3:17, NIV

Charles T. Studd said,

“If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice is too great for me to bring to Him.” Norman B. Grubb, Charles Studd, Kein Opfer zu groß (No Sacrifice Is Too Great), “Introduction.”

This man practiced what he said. He was a top athlete in England. When he became a Christian, he gave up his career, donated his millions to a missionary society, and went to China as a missionary, later to India, and finally to Africa. The missionary society he founded is still active with 1,800 missionaries working worldwide. He surrendered his life to Jesus.


An essential fact should not be overlooked. Surrender is not a one-sided affair. Jesus gave Himself to us first – He is our example!

He gave us everything that God could give, and He invites us to give everything that we can give. It is a matter of everything for everything. But there is a world of difference between God’s everything and my everything. Even so, nobody can give more or less than everything.

There are several benefits of surrendering,

  • Surrender leads to a marvelous relationship with Jesus and the Father. (You will abide in Him — John 14:23; Jesus will manifest Himself to you — John 14:21).

  • Through surrender we come to a knowledge of truth. (John 7:17 — If anyone’s will is to do God’s will, he will know... ESV)

  • Through surrender we gain great power in prayer. (1 John 3:22 — Whatever we ask for, we will receive.)

  • Surrender is the way to perfect joy. (John 15:11 — Your joy may be full.)

  • Surrender is the key to an abundant life. (John 10:10; Ephesians 3:19.)

  • Surrender is the foundation so that God can work through my life. (John 7:38 — rivers of living water; John 14:12 — greater works; John 15:4, 5

    much fruit.)

  • Satan is denied access to those who are surrendered to God. (1 John 5:18 – the wicked one does not touch him, except under God’s specific permission, as in the case of Job. All things work together for good and are never more than what we are able to bear.)


  1. What does biblical surrender mean?

  2. Do I lose myself surrendering to Christ? What is the result?

  3. If we follow Jesus’ example, our generous God will give us many benefits. Which of the benefits touches your life the most today?