Christopher Powers, Instagram, @fullofeyes


How does the work of the Holy Spirit happens? Where does He start working?

The Holy Spirit begins His work inside

Another important lesson Jesus taught in the parable about the leaven is that when we have the leavening effect of the Holy Spirit, we will begin to do things differently from the inside out,

“As the leaven, when mingled with the meal, works from within outward, so it is by the renewing of the heart that the grace of God works to transform the life. No mere external change is sufficient to bring us into harmony with God. There are many who try to reform by correcting this or that bad habit, and they hope in this way to become Christians, but they are beginning in the wrong place. Our first work is with the heart.

A profession of faith and the possession of truth in the soul are two different things.

The mere knowledge of truth is not enough.

We may possess this, but the tenor of our thoughts may not be changed. The heart must be converted and sanctified. The man who attempts to keep the commandments of God from a sense of obligation merely — because he is required to do so — will never enter into the joy of obedience. He does not obey. When the requirements of God are accounted a burden because they cut across human inclination, we may know that the life is not a Christian life. True obedience is the outworking of a principle within.” Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons, p.97


As the revival advances in us, what we think and do and say arises from the Holy Spirit’s work. Others will see the difference in how we live. Ralph Luther comments,

“Jesus vigorously objected to acknowledging faith that is a mere inner religious attitude, which leaves practical life unchanged at the root.” Ralph Luther, Neutestamentliches Wörterbuch, S. 71, quoted in O. S. von Bibra, Der Name Jesus (Wuppertal, 1964), S.98.

In the book The Desire of Ages we read,

“The Holy Spirit is the breath of spiritual life in the soul. The impartation of the Spirit is the impartation of the life of Christ. It imbues the receiver with the attributes of Christ. Only those who are thus taught of God, those who possess the inward working of the Spirit, and in whose life the Christ-life is manifested, are to stand as representative men, to minister in behalf of the church.” Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p.805

In summary, Jesus taught us the following about the Holy Spirit,

  • The life-changing power of the Holy Spirit works in us imperceptibly. We

    often just notice the results.

  • The changing power in our life has to come from outside of ourselves.

  • The changing power starts in our hearts and then works outward.

Jesus’ last words: Listen to the Holy Spirit

Do you know what the last words are that Jesus spoke from His glory in heaven to the end-time church? “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” (Revelation 3:22) Jesus calls each of us to listen to the Holy Spirit, and that is what we want to do.

Change me!

Can Jesus really change me? Let’s take a beautiful painting as an example. Its value doesn’t come from the quality of material used. Only a little paint, sometimes even of low quality, in the hand of an expert can be transformed into a valuable painting. Likewise, we have a sinful nature, “low-quality” material. It is only important that this “material” is being worked on by a great artist. Jesus wants to do this, and He is able to do it. He can form you and me into something that honors Him. Completely commit yourself daily into His hands and ask in faith for the Holy Spirit. You will be amazed at what He can do for you, in you, and through you.

An old man sat on London Bridge and was playing his violin. There were only a few coins in his hat. A man walked past him but then returned and said to the man: “Give me your violin for a moment.” He started to play so beautifully that more and more people stopped to listen. It even caused chaos in the traffic. The man’s name was Niccolò Paganini, the famous violinist.

It is your choice if you want to play first violin in your life or if you want to place your life in the hands of the great Master – Jesus Christ!


  1. Why does the Holy Spirit start on the inside?

  2. Have you noticed the work of the Holy Spirit in your life?

  3. Jesus’ last request to His church was to hear the Holy Spirit. Think/Write about the area of your life you want the Holy Spirit to touch now.