Christopher Powers, Instagram, @fullofeyes


How can a person remain spiritual?

We all need to breathe. Inhaling and exhaling creates this essencial part of the human life. Although there are some with an incredible capacity to hold their “breath”, and they can do it for minutes; they can only do it because they super saturated the bodies – concentrating and breathing extensively before such exercise.


Yes! When we don’t allow an attitude of unbelief to develop and we breathe spiritually, “exhaling” by confessing our sins and “inhaling” by making use of God’s love and forgiveness and by renewing our prayer of faith to be filled with the Holy Ghost.

It is like the relationship to our children. When a child was disobedient, it still remains our child. We can feel a disruption in the relationship. The child may not be able to look us in the eye. But the disruption can be corrected by confessing and forgiving.


But a person can naturally become carnal again in the long-run. The Bible doesn’t speak about “once saved, always saved”. Our sinful nature is still existent. A good reminder is that,

“None of the apostles and prophets ever claimed to be without sin.” E.G. White, The Acts of the Apostles, p.561

But through a life with the Holy Ghost and with Jesus in our hearts the power of sin is broken so that we can live a happy and strong Christian life.

Our righteousness is only in Jesus Christ “... who became for us wisdom from God – and righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30 NKJV).

If we have become carnal again by a lengthy neglect of the spiritual life or by the failure to breathe spiritually, then we can know that a compassionate redeemer is waiting for us.

It is important that we know the way that we can be renewed by God’s grace and hopefully lead a spiritual life forever. No one need to remain carnal.


Remember both personally and in general what Randy Maxwell said,

“Do we think that the resuscitation of God’s church from near spiritual death can be accomplished without effort?” If My People Pray (Pacific Press,1995), p. 158

The abundant life here and eternal life, the salvation of many people and our thanks for Jesus’ great sacrifice is worth the effort. The crucial thing is meeting our Lord in the morning for worship. It is here that He equips us with power.

We read the following about the apostle John:

Day by day his heart was drawn out toward Christ, until he lost sight of self in love for his Master. His resentful, ambitious temper was yielded to the molding power of Christ. The regenerating influence of the Holy Spirit renewed his heart. The power of the love of Christ wrought a transformation of character. This is the sure result of union with Jesus. When Christ abides in the heart, the whole nature is transformed.” E.G. White, Steps to Christ, p.73


Like the psalmist, we can also pray,

“Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from your law.” (Psalms 119:18 NKJV) Thank You for leading me and I can say, “I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure.” (Psalms 119:162 NKJV)


  1. Why do we MUST breathe spiritually? Is there a way you can do it more effectively?

  2. How do deal with our sinful nature that wants to come and take over again?

  3. The apostle John had a huge change in his life. What was his “secret”? How can you achieve a renovation of heart and transformation of character like him?