Christopher Powers, Instagram, @fullofeyes
People filled with the Holy Spirit are God’s temple. Have you ever stopped to think what implications this has for your life?
A temple is God’s dwelling place.
God said to Moses, “And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.” (Ex 25:8)
If we take this statement seriously, then taking care of our health and our lifestyle will become a deliberate part of our discipleship. Our body belongs to God. Do you want to treat God’s property carefully?
It all depends on how you see God and how you understand the importance of our influence according to God’s instructions.
Taking care of our bodies demands a certain amount of discipline. Someone, who is filled with the Holy Spirit, can and will usually implement this discipline with joy. The reward is better health in body, soul and spirit. Someone, who isn’t filled with the Holy Spirit, will struggle and suffer disadvantages.
God expects that we maintain the best possible health in body and spirit for His glory, for His service and for our own joy. In this area there is also no replacement for being filled with the Holy Spirit. When Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit, then He is also “the Lord who heals you”. (Exodus 15:26) Healing is always manifest in a way that is best for the person concerned and also to God’s glory. This can raise the question,
Does the divine doctor heal everyone?
“An older Cambodian woman came as a refugee to a mission hospital, which was in a refugee camp in Thailand. She was dressed in the clothes of a Buddhist nun. She asked to be treated by Dr. Jesus. So they told her about Jesus. She placed her trust in Him and was healed body and soul. When she was able to return to Cambodia she was able to win 37 people for Christ.” Our Daily Bread — Worship book (RBC Ministries), 26th November, 1993
During loyal king Hezekiah’s sickness the Lord sent him a message: “Surely I will heal you.” (2 Kings 20:1-11) But why didn’t the Lord heal him with a word, but instead gave him the task of putting on a fig poultice? Could it be that the Lord expects our participation through natural remedies or changes in our diet, exercise, rest, etc.? Why didn’t God heal Paul, but left him with a “thorn in his flesh”?
Paul himself said,
“Lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations.” 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
However Ellen G. White tells us,
“The influence of the Spirit of God is the very best medicine that can be received by a sick man or woman. Heaven is all health; and the more deeply the heavenly influences are realized, the more sure will be the recovery of the believing invalid.” Ellen G. White, Medical Ministries (1932), p.12
Doesn’t this show that being filled with the Holy Spirit can motivate us and give us strength along with joy to accept a healthy lifestyle?
A life with the Holy Spirit will greatly promote health reform. It is a matter of [1] health information linked with [2] power to change. Don Mackintosh once explained this way,
“The real need of our day is not simply health education — we have excellent information. What is needed is health information coupled with power to put it into practice, which is the power to change.” Dave Fiedler, D’Sozo (Remnant Publications), Foreword
Dr. Tim Howe says,
“Health education alone is not medical missionary work. Health education does not provide healing any more than the law of God provides salvation. To realize health or salvation the transforming power of God must be experienced.” Dave Fiedler, D’Sozo (Remnant Publications), Foreword
How do you take care of something very valuable and important given by someone you care?
Why does God want you to be healthy?
What are you lacking the most, health information or power to change? How can you get each of them?
Think about simple steps you can implement this week about your health and lifestyle. (Remember, we have a health ministry in our church that can help you with more information! CLICK HERE.)
Let’s pray today saying to God that He is welcome in His temple, our body.